At Adagio’s we engage in research into various subjects. Please find below an overview of current research projects.

Do not hesitate to contact us if you are interested and / or would like to receive more information.


Since a few years we offer group treatment called EMOYO. EMOYO has been developed at Adagio’s for children in group 6,7 or 8 who have a migration background or who have one parent with a migration background. The group treatment focusses on developing a firm (cultural) identity and teaches pleasant ways to deal with emotions (emotion regulation). Recently scientific research has started into EMOYO, to get a better picture of the change process children experience by participating into the group, and to find out how the children experience their taking part. This research takes place as part of the postdoc specialist training programme for Clinical Psychologist (for Children & Adolescents). . The first research group has recently been completed. We will soon start researching new groups. In 2025 all the results will be processed.

Cultural clashes

Cultural Clashes! Cultural Clashes! researches the relationship between cultural values and psychological stress. To gain insight we research, within a clinical context, the influence on psychological stress when the cultural values of youths clash with those of their parents or therapist. We also want to see if this has any influence on the effectivity of the treatment. We do so by asking youths, their parents and their therapists to fill out questionnaires. The youths or their parents have a non-Dutch cultural background, but they do live in the Netherlands. Knowledge on cultural values and their influence on psychological stress is not only important when working with different cultures in mental health care, but can also lead to new treatment interventions or adjustments in the treatment process.

Are you interested in this research? Feel free to contact Inge Daemen (


E-volve is a treatment developed for clients who face long waiting times before they can start their treatment programmes in regular mental health care. It involves blended care, which means treatment mostly takes place online, combined with several face-to-face sessions with a personal therapist. Under the guidance of a professional therapist clients can take a first step on the road to recovery and prepare themselves for further treatment. This intensive treatment covers themes that overarch individual diagnoses, such as self-reliance, emotion regulation, healthy living and social support. That makes it widely applicable. The intervention is available in Spanish, English and Dutch with a special eye for cultural sensitivity. For youths aged 14-21 there is an adapted version available.

This intervention is developed by Adagio in collaboration with Therapieland. It will be broadly applied as a pre-treatment intervention for regular treatment programmes, in the coming times. At the same time we are researching its effectiveness and client satisfaction to monitor and improve quality.

Are you interested in this form of treatment or the research into it? Please contact Inge Daemen at:

Baseline Measurement

At Adagio’s we continue to monitor various subjects by means of questionnaires: the baseline measurement. We do this to research different subjects such as background and composition of our clients and therapists. We use this information to better meet the wishes of our clients and to keep improving the treatment we offer.

Rebuilding intimacy

At Adagio’s we do research into the body-oriented treatment module “Rebuilding Intimacy and Sexuality”.

This module focuses on victims of sexual violence who have finished trauma treatment and/or experience fewer or no more problems such as reliving the experience or nightmares. During this treatment we attend to the reactions of the body, the boundaries within intimacy and sexuality, but we also investigate the existing wishes and needs of the client.

Treatment is given by at least one psychomotor therapist supplemented with a second therapist (this can be an expert by experience, a psychologist or psychotherapist..).

In the present phase of the research, we will share the outcomes of the first (pilot) groups. At this moment, several groups are running of which the outcomes of the module will be measured and registered quantitatively as well as qualitatively.

For more information about the research or the treatment module you can send an email to: