BIG courses for GZ, PT and KP

Adagio is an acknowledged employer for trainee therapists, who want to become BIG registered and need a practicum. Adagio has an agreement with the RINO Amsterdam and RINO Group Utrecht, the after graduate institutes that offer courses to become GZ-psychologist, psychotherapist, and clinical psychologist.

Adagio offers a trajectory that is both strong in content and quality and offers sound trainee coaching within a close-knit and closely cooperating team.

Trainees work with clients with a wide range of problems, in different stages of their lives. That way they build up a varied caseload and develop the competencies required by the training and for working as a mental health professional. In addition, Adagio makes more and more use of E-health and trainees can participate in different ways in various ongoing research programmes.

Working at Adagio’s can also broaden their experience by working for other mental health trainee institutes. We have formalised cooperation agreements with Het Hersenentrum, the OKT Amsterdam, the OLVG and the Antonius Hospital in Utrecht. We are also in close contact with the Kinderpraktijk Amsterdam. Adagio is also part of an alliance called ROOS to educate psychologists in training to become GZ-psychologist together.

For Adagio it is essential that trainees become experienced in working in different languages. Combined with a demanding training course this ensures they are offered a challenging practicum.

If you have any questions or if you want get in touch, please send an email to:

Marije Evers;
Fiona Kat;

Adagio Academy

Offers an accredited and certified training aimed at restoring Intimacy in practice.

The training has been specially developed for emergency responders. The goal is to gain expertise in experiential work on recovery of intimacy and sexuality after sexual abuse.

The training is based on theoretical models from psychomotor therapy, trauma sexology & psychodrama and on working methods from sensorimotor psychotherapy with knowledge of psychotrauma.

Basic training as a System Therapist

From January 2024, Adagio, together with the Swolsche School, will offer the course part of the basic training to become a System Therapist.

The systems theory as an overarching frame of reference is embraced by many within mental health care in order to provide the best possible service to adults, children, families and healthcare professionals.

Systems theory makes it possible to offer all knowledge in the field of (developmental) psychology, psychopathology, psychiatry, family care and education in a coherent manner.

Internship at Adagio

Adagio is a versatile psychologist practice that specializes in offering culturally sensitive care to children, young people, adults and families with a migration background. Our team is also characterized by a great diversity of cultural backgrounds, who collectively speak many different languages and therefore offer treatments and diagnostics in different languages. In addition to Dutch, think of English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian, Papiamento and Slavic languages.

In addition to diversity in terms of language and culture, we also offer a great diversity of care. We employ psychologists (basic psychologists, mental health psychologists, psychotherapists and clinical psychologists), system therapists, body-oriented therapists and social workers. This ensures that we can also offer internships in various areas.

General aspects of internship:

You come to us in an environment where many colleagues are constantly working to develop themselves and healthcare, for example through BIG training, in-depth courses, supervision and learning therapies. As an intern, you will have a permanent work supervisor with whom you have regular contact to discuss your daily activities, but you will also be able to shadow many other colleagues. This way you can learn from different disciplines, gain experience with a variety of intervention methods and personal styles. You will be given the freedom to determine your own direction in your development within the internship, by seeking out specific colleagues from whom you would like to learn. Taking initiative is very important.

Since at Adagio we offer guidance, treatment and diagnostics in many different languages, it is important for an internship focused on client contact to speak a second foreign language in addition to Dutch and English (Spanish or Portuguese as preferred). This broadens the possibilities for participating in case studies.

See the specific vacancies for the internships below:

  • Clinical internship (adults and child & youth/orthopedagogy) read the vacancy here
    We are currently conducting introductory interviews with applicants for the clinical internship (adult, child and youth) that will start in February 2025, it is no longer possible to apply for these places.
  • Scientific research internship: read the vacancy here
  • Body-oriented/PMT internship

Would you like to do an internship with us? Then send your motivation and CV to for the attention of Lourença Lopes. Based on this we will estimate whether we will invite you for an introductory meeting.

Adjustment internship BIG registration

At Adagio it is possible to complete an adjustment internship in the context of recognition of foreign diplomas for a BIG registration. After the recognition application has been submitted to the ministry, you can contact us and we can discuss in a conversation whether it is possible to comply with their study advice for obtaining the BIG registration during an adjustment internship at Adagio. Contact Marije Evers via

For Patients

At Adagio we find it very important to continue developing as professionals. That is why Adagio is a recognized training institution. What does that mean for patients? You may be confronted with a care provider in training. Some colleagues in training do a lot together with their supervisor, while other colleagues in training already have sufficient experience and authority to work independently. In that case, the supervisor is present in the background. As a patient, you do not have direct contact with your therapist’s supervisor, but the supervisor is ultimately responsible for your treatment. She thinks along with the therapist and she can access the patient file to properly monitor the progress of the therapy. If you have any questions about this, please feel free to ask.