Complaints procedure Adagio Amsterdam

At Adagio’s we strive to give you the highest quality of care for our clients and their families. However, it can happen that there is something concerning our service or the support you received that you are not satisfied with. We find it important to handle your worries in a confidential, transparent and caring manner. We assure you we take every complaint seriously and that we will do our utmost to solve any problems quickly and effectively.

Before you officially file a complaint, we advise you to discuss your worries with your own therapist. Often, in a direct conversation a mutually satisfactory solution can be found. If that is not the case for you, you can always make use of our complaints procedure.

Please find below the contact details of our complaints officer and the steps involved to process your complaint:

Contact details

Complaints officer Helly Zamani

Contact details:

Adagio Amsterdam
Plantage Middenlaan 52A, 1018DH Amsterdam

Adagio Utrecht
Ravellaan 28, 3533 JN Utrecht

The complaints procedure runs as follows, depending on the nature of the complaint and the intention of the person filing the complaint.

  • You will receive written confirmation within 7 days after filing the complaint. The complaints officer will then contact you to discuss your complaint;
  • If the complaint is about the therapist treating you, the complaints officer will contact the therapist;
  • The complaints officer will try to find a mutually satisfactory solution together with (in accordance with the nature of the complaint) an independent therapist or with the managing director. This can be treated in a personal meeting, or by telephone or by written communication. A personal meeting has our strong preference;
  • Once the procedure is concluded, you will receive an email describing the processing of your complaint. The email will also contain an evaluation form for you to evaluate the handling of your complaint.

Do you not wish to have any contact with your therapist?
If you don’t want your therapist to know the nature of your complaint, you can indicate this. Your therapist will be informed about the fact you filed a complaint but will not be informed of the nature and content of it. In that case the content of your complaint will be discussed with either the supervisor or coach of your therapist or with the principal therapist.

Are you not satisfied with how Adagio handled your complaint?
If you think Adagio did not handle your complaint satisfactorily or you do not wish for any mediation by Adagio, you can present your complaint to an independent external arbitration committee. Adagio is connected to a recognised arbitration committee. We do want you to find a satisfactory solution for your complaint.

Disputes committee details
You can file a complaint at the ‘Tuchtcollege voor de Gezondheidszorg’ (Disciplinary Committee for Healthcare). Based on ‘BIG’ law GZ-psychologists, psychotherapists, clinical (neuro) psychologists and psychiatrists are bound by disciplinary law. You can find more information here: