
Adagio offers coaching and treatment to adults with various psychological and psychiatric problems. Our team consists of therapists with different specialisations and cultural backgrounds. We can therefore offer a broad range of therapies in different languages for a variety of problems.

We all feel down or anxious now and then, and we all sometimes experience problems in our social circle. But when these problems interfere with or hinder your daily life, we consider them a disorder. We can help you with that, please feel free to ask us all the questions you need answers to.

In adult care, a distinction is made between basic mental health care (BGGZ) and specialist mental health care (SGGZ). Complaints that can be treated within 8 to 10 sessions by means of complaint-oriented therapy fall under the BGGZ. If specialized, long-term treatment is required, this falls under the SGGZ.


Because we are such a diverse team we can treat a broad range of psychological problems: such as:

Mood disorders such as depression

Depression involves various complaints. We all feel down or depressed sometimes, but we don’t all develop depression. You are likely to suffer from depression if your feelings trouble you daily for at least two continuous weeks. Depression involves many different symptoms like a low mood, sleeping very much or not being able to sleep at all, finding it hard to concentrate or not being able to concentrate at all, a lack of enjoyment in your daily life, thinking about suicide. Please don’t wait to ask for help, because your symptoms could get worse.


Feeling anxious and tense are adequate and normal reactions when you are in a dangerous, threatening situation. Some people feel anxious and tense when they are not in danger. that could be a sign of anxiety disorder. If you are anxious in ordinary daily situations, i.e., when you have to make a telephone call or travel on a busy train, With anxiety disorder the anxiety is so overwhelming that you cannot lead a normal life. There are different types of anxiety disorders and different symptoms. Important signs are fear of losing control, hyperventilation, avoiding normal activities or situations, irritability, sleep problems. Also, headaches and stomach ache can be symptoms.


A traumatic event can lead to PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder). A traumatic experience can be a one-off experience like an accident. It can also be a continuous or recurring situation, like (sexual) abuse, or exposure to violence in a war. Symptoms of PTSD are re-living the traumatic event, avoiding situations that remind you of the event, irritability or feeling emotionally numb. Also, being addicted and experiencing symptoms that belong to depression or anxiety disorder often occur together when you have PTSD.

Inhibited, prolonged grief

Inhibited or prolonged grief is a form of grief where you deny that you suffered a loss and are inhibited to grieve. This can cause problems. It may cause you to withdraw more and more from society and develop depression. Therapy will focus on the repressed feelings of grief.

Obsession and Compulsion

Obsessions and compulsions are sometimes called Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD). It features a pattern of unwanted thoughts and fears (obsessions) that lead you to do repetitive acts (compulsions) to try to control these thoughts. These acts do not help you get rid of these thoughts in the long run. For instance, with a fear of contamination you are afraid to catch a disease. This makes you clean everything excessively and compulsively. Fear of contamination is not the only form of OCD. Obsessions can focus on any subject, and it can be hard to recognise these thoughts from your other thoughts. You can learn this in therapy.

Unexplained physical complaints

Physical complaints without a physical source can have different psychological causes. Stress can lead to physical problems, but psychological disorders like depression or anxiety can also lead to physical problems. There is also a somatoform condition where physical complaints cannot be traced back to a medical cause or to psychological disorders.

Eating disorders

There are different kinds of eating disorders. Some people eat too little because they are afraid to become overweight, which we call Anorexia nervosa. Some people do eat, but make themselves vomit, which we call Boulemia nervosa. Lesser-known eating disorders that are common are binging or being hyper focused on eating healthily.

Feelings of inferiority, insecurity and loneliness

Everybody has to deal with feelings of inferiority, insecurity or loneliness now and then. For some people, these feelings are stronger. This can be caused by negative experiences such as having been bullied, or by excessive achievement pressure. Feelings of loneliness may be the result of suffering the loss of someone you were close to or by undergoing long-term care. If these feelings do not subside in due course, or when they hinder you in daily life, it is recommended to get professional help.

Psychosocial problems

Psychosocial problems are a combination of psychological problems such as feeling depressed or anxious and having social problems such as having many arguments at home or at work. Because of the social aspect they are difficult to solve on your own, which can make them worse or lead to new problems. Getting professional help can help you get things into perspective and solve your problems step by step.

Impulse control problems

There are different types of impulse control problems, such as kleptomania, pyromania or oppositional defiant disorder. Having an impulse control problem means you find it hard to control your behaviour or emotions. This is usually the result of a combination of factors. Besides a genetic predisposition or environmental factors, you may suffer from depression or addiction.

Migration or cultural issues

When you, or your parents or grandparents have migrated to another culture, you often live in two worlds at the same time. When these cultures are very different from one another, that can lead to clashes or uncomfortable situations. For instance, it may be that your family want you to take into account their opinions, but that you want to make your own choices and decisions. It is also possible that you and your employer have different ideas on how you should spend your day at work. These differences can lead to bigger problems. It can be helpful to talk to a therapist who has personally experienced this.

Personality problems

Personality problems occur when you have extreme personality traits that make your life very difficult. There are many kinds of personality problems, but in general they are divided into 3 types. The first type is when someone displays strange or eccentric behaviour, keeps to themselves a lot and is not a very sociable person. The second type is when someone is very impulsive and finds it very difficult to deal with emotions. The third type is when someone is very anxious and avoids confrontations out of insecurity. People with personality disorders often also suffer from depression, anxiety disorders and/or addictions.

Sexuality and gender related problems

Sexuality and gender are subjects that are not easily discussed, but that many people are insecure about. It is also quite common that the social environment does not accept a persons’ sexuality or gender. For instance, because they have a cultural background with strong views on these issues.

Developmental problems (i.e., autism)

Developmental problems encompass a wide range of problems. Here, we mean developmental problems that arise in childhood and impede your development.
Often, you are genetically predisposed to the condition, which means you are born with it. The condition will arise under certain circumstances. Examples are autism spectrum disorders or ADHD.

Sleep problems

We all have difficulty sleeping sometimes, but if it’s only now and then, we don’t consider it problematic.
If your sleep is disturbed twice a week or more and it influences your daily performance negatively, we call it a sleep disorder. There can be multiple causes for your sleeping problems. Maybe you worry a lot, or drink coffee at a late hour, but you could also suffer from anxiety or depression.

Adagio is a medium-sized practice, and we offer ambulatory care. We cannot be open 24-hrs a day and do not offer full-time care. Therefore, Adagio is not equipped for handling problems stemming from serious addictions, serious eating disorders, psychotic disorders and (acute) risk of suicide. As we focus on clients with a Latin-American background, we advise Dutch and English-speaking clients to look elsewhere for psychological help. Other practices may also have a shorter waiting list.


If, during the intake process, we foresee that extensive psychological treatment is needed, we will make use of additional diagnostic assessments. We also do this when there is a need for a finer understanding and more direction during the treatment. A diagnostic assessment helps to clarify the nature of the problems and helps indicate the seriousness and complexity. It could also be that you have questions about how well you function cognitively after having had an accident or a stroke, or now that you are aging.

Adagio offers 4 different types of psychological assessment:

  • Neuropsychological assessment
  • Intelligence assessment
  • Developmental assessment (ASS)
  • Personality assessment.

A diagnostic assessment is part of basic medical health care and the same financial rules apply. Click here for more information on costs and financial coverage.

Therapies we offer

Adagio consists of a team of therapists covering a broad range of specialisms. That is why we can offer a large variety of therapies. For instance, we offer cognitive behavioural therapy, EMDR-therapy, mindfulness, psychotherapy, and family / systemic therapy.

Here below you can find an overview of the different types of therapies we offer. Would you like to know more about a certain type of therapy? Please feel free to contact us.

Cognitive behavioral therapy

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy focuses on your thoughts and behaviour. It teaches you how these thoughts influence your behaviour and how you can change this influence. Maybe, you can only think negative things, like how nothing ever works out for you. If you think nothing you do will succeed, it will negatively influence your behaviour. For instance, it may stop you from learning new things because you think you’ll fail at them anyway. That way you deny yourself the chance to experience a better outcome, a good result. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy teaches you to interpret situations differently and by doing so, change your behaviour.

Psychodynamic / psychoanalytically oriented therapy

Psychodynamic / Psychoanalytically Oriented Therapy looks at the psychological problems you currently face, by taking into account the influence of previous experiences. The reason for this is that you are not always aware of how the past influences the present. Sometimes you need to know the cause of your problems, in order to solve them or learn to cope with them. If you are not aware of the causes, it may be harder to tackle problems or it may be that problems arise later on.


EMDR, Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing is meant for those who have trouble processing a traumatic experience. You will, together with the EMDR-therapist, in your mind go back to the traumatic experiences. At the same time the therapist will distract you by moving something back and forth in front of you. This could be a hand or a special tool. By distracting you, your emotional response, your reactions to these experiences will become less intense.


With Mindfulness you learn to focus your attention on what is happening with you, inside and around you at that precise moment. You focus on your thoughts, your feelings, your body and your surroundings. The idea is to learn to notice and accept them as they are, without judging them. Focusing on the moment makes it easier to break free from ruminating. By staying focused on what’s happening with you, you learn to recognise whether your behaviour is helping you or obstructing you. Mindfulness can help you with different psychological problems, i.e., stress or burn-out, anxiety or personality problems.

Affect Phobia Therapy

Affect Phobia Therapy is a form of psychodynamic therapy which teaches you to feel your emotions and how to cope with them, when previous experiences taught you that emotions are unacceptable. The words ‘affect phobia’ refer to a fear of feelings and longings causing you to bury them and ignore them. This could be a subconscious process. From burying and ignoring your feelings you can become tense, tired and down and/or it may cause physical problems. This therapy will help you accept the feelings you buried and how to cope with them. Feelings have an important function in life, they show you what and whom you like, and don’t like. That way they help you to know your boundaries and to be assertive.

Schema Therapy

Schema Therapy looks at the patterns in your behaviour and how they can help you or hinder you. You will start thinking about how childhood experiences caused these patterns. You will learn to become aware of these patterns and of the feelings they induce. After that you will learn to re-interpret these patterns and feelings in a way that will help you. Active exercises and role-playing are also part of Schema Therapy. By understanding and practising certain skills, you learn how to cope with the emotions and problems you encounter in another way. This therapy is especially helpful if you have personality problems.

Solution Focused Therapy

Solution-Focused Therapy is very different from other types of therapy. You will start your therapy by setting a goal for the end of the therapy instead of focusing on the problem. It means you yourself determine what you, with the help of the therapist, want to accomplish with this therapy. It’s not about what’s not going well, but about what is going well and how you can use that. Often this therapy is combined with other therapies.

Mentalization Based Therapy (MBT)

Mentalisation Based Therapy has been especially developed for those who are hindered by their own impulsive behaviour and mood swings. These are problems that people with Borderline Personality Disorder face, but MBT-therapy can help anyone who finds it difficult to understand their own emotions and reactions. It also helps if your mood swings more often than can be explained and when your emotions have been hindering or obstructing you for some time. The intensity of your emotions then overwhelms you. You are often unable to evaluate and judge a situation before responding. On the contrary, you respond immediately and do not consider the consequences. We call this ‘impulsive behaviour’. MBT-therapy teaches you to understand your own reactions and feelings, and those of others. The capacity to understand your own behaviour, for instance, to understand why you are angry, is called mentalisation. And that is something you can learn.

Transference Focused Therapy (TFP)

Transference Focused therapy is an intensive type of therapy for if you have personality problems. There are two sessions a week and the therapy usually takes between two and four years. TFP has its roots in modern psychoanalytic theory. Transference stands for what you think that someone is thinking and feeling and the intentions you attribute to others. Questions that keep recurring in therapy are: how do you perceive yourself, how do you perceive the other person and what feelings are part of that? In TFP the relationship between patient and client is the central focus of attention. The same patterns, fears, anxieties, misconceptions and desires you experience in daily life, also take place in the therapeutic relationship. In therapy you examine together with your therapist what happens in contact with the therapist, to get to know your inner world. You learn to better evaluate the other. You learn to experience nuances instead of experiencing yourself and others as either ‘good’ or ‘bad’. The final goal is that you recognise your feelings, expectations and limitations better and can cope with them better.

For more information on TFP;
About Transference Focused Psychotherapy (tfp), Tfp 2017 folder

Brief Eclectic Psychotherapy for PTSD (BEPP)

The idea of this therapy is that you take a closer look at the traumatic events you experienced and how they affect your life. It can be hard and very emotional to talk about your experiences. The therapist is there to help you with that. Later, in the course of the treatment you will, together with the therapist and maybe your partner or someone else close to you, take a look at the influence PTSS is having on your life. You will learn how it has affected you and how to live your life now that you have worked through / processed the trauma.

Partner Relationship Therapy

Having a row now and then or having an off day in your relationship is natural. However, when conflicts or misunderstandings are not properly resolved, that can become a problem. There are different forms of couples therapy.

  • Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT)

This therapy focuses on emotions and regulating emotions. It teaches you to better cope with each others emotions. You learn not to keep blaming yourself or your partner, but to recognise and change the patterns of your interactions and to stay connected with one another. EFT not only exists in the form of couples therapy, but also as family therapy or individual therapy.

Systemic therapy

Systemic therapy is called systemic therapy because it focuses on your social system. Important persons like your partner, family or colleagues will be involved in the therapy. The reason is that we are all part of social systems and the interactions you have with others in your system influence you and your behavior. That may be positive, but also negative, for instance when you don’t understand each other. The systemic therapist helps you look at how your system works and which changes may be necessary.


E-health means your treatment will (partly) take place online.
It can be by talking to your therapist via a video call, but there are other additions to the (live) contact with your therapist. Think of using virtual or augmented reality glasses. At Adagio’s we use ‘Amelia’ (a provider of different virtual reality environments to treat fears, or to do mindfulness exercises). We also make use of ‘Therapieland’, which is an online module in addition to your regular therapy. It offers different exercises and informs you about a broad range of mental health subjects. This way your relationship with your therapist can become more effective, because the things you can learn yourself do not need to be discussed so elaborately with your therapist. That way there is more time to work on the underlying issues.

Psychomotor Therapy (PMT)

Psychomotor therapy teaches you to let your mind and body work together. That way you learn how mental problems often translate into physical problems and how to cope with that. PMT focuses more on experiencing physical sensations. It is different from other treatments where you mostly discuss your problems with a therapist.

Apart from the above we offer group therapies. At this moment the following group therapies are ongoing:

  • Mindfulness group (English, Dutch)
  • Affect Phobia Therapy Group (AFT) (English)
  • Group Schema Therapy (Description: English / Dutch)
  • Grupo de psicoterapia psicodinámica (PDT) (Spanish)
  • EMOYO emotion regulation training children 8-12 years (Dutch / Español)
  • Mindfulness training for children (8-12 years)


At Adagio’s we offer mental specialist care by BIG registered therapists. That means that in most cases our care is covered by the basic health insurance or additional policies.

In some cases, depending on the insurance company and the clients’ policy, a personal contribution has to be made. We advise you to contact your insurance company about this, before your treatment starts. Insurance companies may change their reimbursement policies yearly.

For more information on the ‘Care Performance Model’ in Mental Health Care click here: Patient folder (in Dutch)

het zorgprestatiemodel (ZPM).
Voor meer informatie over ZPM:

When registering, we will ask you for the name of your insurance company. If we have a care contract with them, there will be no costs involved for you (apart from your ‘own risk’). Treatment will be reimbursed of we have a referral letter and can set a diagnosis. Reimbursement takes place via the basic or specialist mental health care, depending on the problem presented and the treatment indicated. Met opmerkingen [ID5]: Linkjes naar folders van desbetreffende groepsbehandelingen

If you cancel a treatment session in time, at least 48 hours in advance, you will not be charged. If you cancel later than 48 hours, there will be costs involved. See also: cancelling or changing your appointment.

Gecontracteerde zorg

Met vrijwel alle zorgverzekeraars hebben wij een contract voor Basis GGZ en Specialistische GGZ. Bij aanmelding zullen we vragen bij welke zorgverzekeraar u verzekerd bent. Hebben wij een contract met de verzekeraar, dan zijn er (anders dan het eventuele eigen risico) geen kosten verbonden aan de therapie. Hebben wij geen contract met de verzekeraar, dan zijn er indien u geen restitutiepolis heeft wel kosten verbonden aan de therapie. We zullen samen met u bekijken hoe hoog de kosten dan zullen zijn.

Your ’own risk’ / ‘personal risk’

With the basic insurance comes a ‘personal risk’ (eigen risico) obligation of Euro 385 per year. This means that you have to pay for the first 385 euros you spent on basic or specialist health care yourself. Further costs will be covered by the insurance company, depending on your policy. If you have chosen a ‘personal risk’ higher than 385 euros, that means you will pay up to the amount chosen, yourself. We advise you to check your policy to determine how high your deductible is for this year. Children under the age of 18 do not have a deductible.

Care not covered by your insurance

Quite a number of diagnoses are no longer covered by health insurance. Amongst them are the general adaptation syndrome and work-related problems, identity-related problems and relationship problems. Couples therapy and family therapy will only be reimbursed if therapy takes place within the context of a diagnosis covered by the insurance, i.e.: depression, anxiety, personality disorder. If you do want to receive treatment that is not covered by insurance, we will make agreements on the costs.